Dear Dad, it has been ten years since you were taken from us. I don't like to go back to that morning in July when we lost you. You that could make me laugh at anytime. You that would call me in the mornings and say "is this Helen Ogden??? Pause...Rogers??? You would wait for me on the porch when I would come over with all the littles. I miss you. Miss all the cop stories. Miss all the Crafton stories of growing up like a Wonderful Life. Miss the big dinners. What I wouldn't give for just one more thanksgiving dinner. Just one more. I will admit this. My life has a piece missing ever since you died. Some things aren't as fun anymore. I don't laugh like I used too and I know and understand too much now. I know you had a hand in getting Kate to us. She certainly would have been the apple of your eye. You would have wanted to see her... She is my families joy. So, here it is your birthday and this was always a big deal!!! You first and then mine with the twins squeezed in there! I know you are celebrating with Phyllis this year. The old gang together again. I can't wait to see you again Dad. Pray for me and BJ and the kids. All your family down here misses you. You are the best Dad a girl could have. I love you Dad. P.S. Happy Blessed Birthday Dad!
When I first became a parent I was looking to be exactly like other Catholic parents, whatever that was. I immunized Beau and Maria. I put them in pre-school because they would never get into Harvard if I didn't. I bought the "Happy Meals" because that was what all the other moms did. I dressed them like all the other kids. We celebrated Santa and then God. Why oh why was I so unhappy? I had everything I wanted, so I thought. One day I turned and saw a disaster following me. A Catholic School run by feminists of the worst kind. Caring more about academics and fundraising than the souls of these little people. We were raising them to put God on the back burner. God knew exactly what to do. I became pregnant with Ireland. I had secondary infertility. I was very busy when I became pregnant. I was working part-time for the Catholic Pre-School, working part-time as a Waitress at a place that ha...
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