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Are you a Hypocrite? Are you?

Time and again I am reading or hearing conversations about how things work.  Who is good and who is bad.  Who should be included and who should be shunned.  Do you think I have EVER been part of this or have judged as such?  Of course, we all have at some point.

Then it happened, my eyes were opened.  There were some people, that were by far, the most judgmental, inclusive, egotistical bunch of hypocrites ever to be encountered.  Yes, naive was I.  Blind had I been.  Delusional? Certainly.  Shocked is an understatement.

What was the most shocking was the cruelty and rudeness.  The very ones pointing and accusing others of horrendous acts, were themselves the biggest culprits.  The very ones that were going to judge and disperse unkindnesses, were the ones looked up to.  Humility was a word said over and over, but with nothing whatsoever to show for it.  The amount of self absorbed, know it alls were bursting at the seams to show how pious and meek they were.  As if someone ripped off the bandages on my eyes, I stood before them.  Mocked, humiliated, and challenged.  Then present were all the people that were standing exactly where I was.  There were more people standing where I was than the other side which was evil.  It brought me to my knees, in prayer.  Mary Undoer of Knots  Novena Here.  There was a job that was chosen for me.  It fell, my way, through the abuse of others.  Never was it an option to turn on the underdog, but always to join them and lift them up as my parents taught me.  For the very first time, I was silent...yes, that is possible.  Prayer for God to lead where he wanted us to be.  Gnashing of teeth we pushed forward...all up hill.  When we got closer to the top, things started to change.  Prayer softened some of the hypocrites hearts.  Some began to see that retaliation wasn't part of who we were.  That the common goal was success.  Not personal success, but success in God.  Truly doing what God was asking without the hoopla of self worship.  Some people do this with humility.  It felt as if my life and the life of those I cared about was turned upside down.  A simple gesture of kindness was what was needed desperately.

As we raise our children, it is always taught to have sympathy for those that will not see.  To embrace the Corporal Works of Mercy.  Feed the hungry.  Give drink to the thirsty.  Clothe the naked.  Shelter the homeless.  Visit the sick.  Visit the imprisoned and bury the dead.  Nowhere does it say, and judge all of this.  Christian against Christian and Americans against Americans.   If as Christian Catholics and Americans, we did just the simple duties in kindness God has asked, we would find peace.  That easy.  As we hold our children's hands and try and make sense of this world that appears diabolical, become selfless.  Strive to be the peace and calm in the eye of the storm and walk with Jesus through the Sorrowful Mysteries.  Prepare your hearts for the greatest day, Easter Sunday.


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