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President Trump

Connie Schultz is an opinion writer I stumbled on that is also married to Senator Sherrod Brown (D).  She wrote this opinion piece about illegal immigrants being rounded up in Ohio.  Total opinion story with very little real facts.  I read this after coyotes howling last night woke me up.  I went to look at who she is.  Her fb page has many responses on what she posts, with pure hatred for President Trump.  

It is so interesting how I felt for the Obama regime.  I felt beat.  I felt sad and angry and helpless.  I felt this way because I went to the grocery store on a slim budget and bought things that shrunk in size but went up in price.  Our company was at a stand still because we couldn’t afford to hire more employees due to Obamacare.  Our healthcare was horrible.  We even were without for a short time.  I felt this way because the United States tax money was paying for the abortions of women not only in our country but others.  I felt this way because Christians were under attack.  The Little Sisters of the Poor at the top of the list.  I felt this way because more people were on welfare than anytime in history and we were being told by President Obama that these jobs were never coming back.  I felt this way because police were being massacred sitting in their vehicles.  I felt this way because our service men and women were treated so awful with no raise in pay and horrible conditions.  Our military was in dire need of everything.  Our Veterans were dying from lack of medical care.  I really don’t know and you can remind me, what, if any good, President Obama did?  I seriously don’t have one thing I can say.  He divided America by race as soon as he got involved with a black professor and a policeman that had issues.  He continued to racially divide America.  He worshipped Hollywood and threw lavish parties for them at our expense.  He and his wife flew separately sometimes on vacation hours apart at our expense.  And after all I have said, I did pray for him.  Not everyday, but I prayed he would not go to hell and stop the hell I felt we were in.  I argued, debated and finally just stopped talking about it.  I felt beaten to a bloody pulp.  

Then the Presidential election came along.  I watched everything!  I prayed hard that God would send us a true leader.  I even argued with people I loved that were on the fence about how horrible they thought Trump was.  All I could think was that most of the best Saints had very sinful backgrounds.  I watched as Mike Pence schooled Donald Trump on abortion.  I watched people laying hands on him and praying.  I watched Christianity survive!  I knew when he won, this was going to be a ride like no other.  

The economy has never been better and with the tax breaks our company could hire two more employees.  President Trump donates his salary to the military etc.  President Trump took $100 million away from Planned Parenthood.  Now I have watched a sitting American President deal directly with North Korea.  There is so so much more but you have to watch real news to ever hear the good news.  The media is one big opinion piece on the liberal stations and usually correcting itself because of the lies.

So trying to find common ground with President Trump haters is insane.  I could see if things were worse than President Obama’s reign, but they are better than ever.  So God please continue to bless our Nation and keep our President all his family and administration safe.  God Bless America.


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