I CANNOT believe it is 30 years. Honestly, it seems like last year when I think about it. To this day, I feel that pain in my heart. We lost you to an accident. Recently your wonderful, wonderful sister Suann told me you weren't wearing your seatbelt. I was stunned by that because of my terrible accident the year before. I know, I know I told you that my seatbelt saved my life. Dave can vouch for this. I looked like a raccoon you said!!! Two black eyes staring at you...
Well Paul. Your dad and mom are with you now officially this year. Thank you for giving me them, as mine. They loved me unconditionally and laughed at all my antics. I still have your siblings. At the luncheon after your mom's funeral I sat with Tommy, Vicki and Walter. I love your family. Such a kind family. I invited Walter up to hunt and fish!
So, Jim and John are with you now. I thought we would all live to be 90. I always thought I would see you all again. When we did, no time had passed. Dancing, drinking and laughing. I go back. I go back to the day you were driving that lawnmower with sunglasses on and when I lifted them you almost killed me...too much tekillya the night before?! I laughed. You laughed!!! Never could help it.
I go back to the "last Who concert"! Paula dancing saying, stop looking at me!! Shooting off fireworks in the backyard. Officer Amendola coming to the door! Calm as ever!
30 years. 30 years. Do you see me? See my life? Do you? I prayed and prayed for you, knowing we all needed it. After you died I was haunted by your soul...where was it??? Where??? I prayed and prayed. Then I dreamt you were all dressed up and had a backpack. Leaning up against a sports car ready to go...saying goodbye to me. I miss you. I always will. We will see each other again. Be there at the gates and if they won't let me in, connive a way, like old times...I know you smiled at that!🙏🏼❤️ Pray for us Paul.
Love you,
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