A lot of time was spent on this election. Lots of conversations, debates and prayer. We now have President Trump who will do an amazing job. Now to continue praying for what God wants for Our Nation.
On a more personal note, it has come to light that Kate is dealing with more than Down Syndrome. She is also dealing with a birth injury. She was born without life. Her heart rate dropped and 15 to 20 minutes later she was born dead. It took five minutes to get her heart working and her breathing. She was put into a cooling unit. Looked like bubble wrap in an incubator. They lowered her body temperature to minimize brain injury. Having Down Syndrome delayed this problem. We weren't aware of how this would effect her until she started pre-school.
So now a new journey begins. How to bring the best quality of life to this precious gift God gave us. I have to admit to many tears and sorrow, discovering that once again, the life we thought she would have has changed. Then just as always, God heard my prayers. He has put many people in my life to guide and support us. She has an upcoming doctors appointment. This will be the first of many, I'm guessing.
We are constantly reminded that we have no control and to surrender every hurdle to God Our Father. The Blessed Mother is a great comfort. We know she understands a mothers heart and her prayerful intercession is a source of strength.
So here we are. Kate is changing. She is the light of our lives. She has so much joy. Best hugs ever! Started saying a couple more words and still loves school when she is healthy enough to go. So if you are a praying person, pray we get the true answers we need to help Kate. She is truly our gift.
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