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What are we doing to our children?

Today I read about a high school sophomore with developmental disabilities being bullied.  Article He decided to tape, with his school issued iPad, what was happening to him so he could let his mom know first hand the amount of bullying going on.

The writer of this article described him as a "tormented special-needs student".  He was regularly shoved, tripped and almost burned.  So he taped it and took it home to his mother.  She proceeded to submit the evidence to the schools principal.  Here is the great part...the principal and administration decided to call the police and threatened the special-needs child with felony wiretapping.  It was later reduced to disorderly conduct and he was found guilty on March 19.

First, shockingly this is South Fayette High School.  Very near to me.  My two nieces attend there and some friends children too.  Second, I was getting invitations for special dances held at this school for special needs teens to attend.  Dance.  These dances are held there through a group called Circle of Friends.  I wonder what they would think of this.

So let's talk about this.  You send your child to this school and he gets bullied.  The protectors, the principal and administrators file charges against the student.  Why?  Because they didn't want people to be able to fully have knowledge of what happened?  Because it threatened them some way?  How would you as a parent, feel about this?

Read this Here.  Shea Love is the mother of this student.  The student is reported to be "a well-behaved student with no history of disciplinary action. He was, however, previously diagnosed with a comprehension delay disorder, which is a slower processing speed for information than is normal, ADHD, and an anxiety disorder. He says the bullying treatment is especially harsh and academically disruptive during his special education math class, in which students with behavioral problems are also placed. On February 11, after doing research on several anti-bullying websites, he used his school approved personal iPad to make a seven-minute audio recording of his classroom experience."

So this child then experiences this; "Love says that upon fielding her complaint, Principal Scott Milburn called South Fayette Township police Lieutenant Robert Kurta to the school to interrogate her son in the presence of Associate Principal Aaron Skrbin and Dean of Students Joseph Silhanek. The defendant testified before Judge McGraw-Desmet that he was forced to play the audio for the group and then delete it. Love says by the time she arrived at the school, her son was surrounded by school officials and the police officer and was visibly distraught."  Are you ready for this?  Officer Kurta arrives at the school for this "criminal wiretapping" and never hears it because they made the child delete it!!!  Yes, delete it.  There is now no disorderly conduct for the bullies because the school district made this child delete it.  He had no one on his side until his mother arrived and that was after they made him delete this.  So I ask you my fellow Americans...who was the bully in this crime?  The kids that physically hurt this special needs child or the South Fayette School District?

It breaks my heart.  Not only is this child bullied, but then is bullied and tormented more by the principal and administration for speaking up in a way that should have been a slam dunk.  What are we doing to our children?


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