If you choose to put God in a neat little box, then put the box on a shelf in the closet, only getting it out every once in a while. Maybe a Sunday, maybe not. Your life will start to unravel.
At first, you give every excuse not to go to Church. You had to work, you were too tired, you had a hangnail. Your life will unravel.
Then you blame your past. Too much guilt, no one understands my pain, I am an adult and make these decisions on when I need God. Your life will unravel.
Next, your life isn't turning out how you planned. You were going to have success in business, a great marriage and perfect children...it didn't go that way...it's Gods fault. Your life will unravel.
You one day turn around and compare yourself and measure yourself against those close to you. Why are they happy? Why is it that when awful things happen to others, they seem to handle it and even laugh through their tears? Why is it they are happy and you are so angry? Your life will unravel.
You become addicted to things. Shopping. Lying. Alcohol, Cheating. Maybe Pornography. Your life will unravel.
You have now lost those close to you because they can't stand to see your life unravel and they can't help you, but to pray that you realize what has happened. To realize what you need. That all along, in a box, on a shelf, there is an answer.
Maybe the box is still there? Maybe you need to open that box. Then you do. You open that box in your despair and out comes an outpouring of love that no one else on this earth can come close to giving you. The love of God...
Go to confession, rid yourself of regrets and anger. Go to the Holy Mass. Receive the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Fall in love with your faith again. Own the responsibility to learn about your Catholic faith and why the Catholic Church is the true Church. Because if you don't change, your life will unravel.
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