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Showing posts from October, 2014

We Found Peace and It Was Easy

Some very big things have happened to my family since Kate was born.  I've had to surrender my life completely to concentrating on BJ, all the kids and my Mom.  This is my immediate family.  Of course you all may think "Well sure, of course!"  But I have always had this part of me that gets involved in other peoples tragedies.  Trying to help or fix that persons life...not realizing that I was leaving my family and they needed me more...especially now.  Huge things such as cancer and death are exceptions to the rules.  The every day things have to be completed. BJ is my protector.  He is my very best friend.  He needs me more now than he has ever needed me in all our life together.  My children are each in their own lives but they still need me.  The older kids need me to listen to them and sometimes, I said sometimes, give advice and guidance.  They love me and love having me here for them.  My two daughters are at that a...