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Showing posts from April, 2014

My Dad

There is no anniversary, birthday or any other reminder, I just miss my Dad.  My Dad.  I could write for days about my Dad.  He was the very first man I fell in love with.  He was handsome, he was kind and he worked harder than most.   When I was little, 3 to 5, he would put me in the car and we would travel!  To the Post Office, Bank and THEN somewhere for food.  He would hold my little hand and introduce me as his girlfriend.  Out of everything I remember about my Dad, it is his hands.  How he held mine, how he typed, how he held a cup, and how he danced holding my Mom's hand.  I loved everything about this man.  Even when he got mad...I reflect with humor.  He NEVER swore.  If he slipped a swear word we all ran for cover. He took me to my very first day to school.  I didn't go to Kindergarten.  I was told it was because I was too smart for that.  Later when I was torturing my siblings with my intelligence...

What are we doing to our children?

Today I read about a high school sophomore with developmental disabilities being bullied.   Article  He decided to tape, with his school issued iPad, what was happening to him so he could let his mom know first hand the amount of bullying going on. The writer of this article described him as a "tormented special-needs student".  He was regularly shoved, tripped and almost burned.  So he taped it and took it home to his mother.  She proceeded to submit the evidence to the schools principal.  Here is the great part...the principal and administration decided to call the police and threatened the special-needs child with felony wiretapping.  It was later reduced to disorderly conduct and he was found guilty on March 19. First, shockingly this is South Fayette High School.  Very near to me.  My two nieces attend there and some friends children too.  Second, I was getting invitations for special dances held at this school for special ...