I'm a wife. A mother. A daughter. A sister. A niece. A cousin. A friend. I'm a Catholic. A homeschool mom. A business owner. A farm owner. A mom to a special needs child. I'm weak. There are so many projects to be done and I'm tired. I don't know how to ask for help, so I keep plugging along thinking it will all get better. So we are probably like many of you reading this! Where did the summer go? It really didn't feel like summer...it was too full! 4H, ballet, just activities everywhere and with each child. We fenced in a nice big area for Kate to play and tried to take her swimming every chance we had. Writing this blog was to show people the truth about Down Syndrome. That it is a delay. People with Down Syndrome are successful, great people. Successes in learning and functioning in their lives. This blog was to talk about obstacles, successes and being pr...